Monday, January 17, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

So Hey Friends

Mayhem here and something just got into me that I wanted to share with you in this edition of Champions Drive On!

You see, I chose the title of this publication, Champions Drive On because I KNOW how hard it can be at times to keep moving… to keep pushing forward…to keep striving for your best… especially when you have be knocked down and don’t want to get back up!!!

But… Champions Drive On!!!

What does that mean? It means YOU dig deep, put aside excuses and procrastination and take charge of your future, your actions and not allow anything negative to stop you from doing what it takes to accomplish the things you have set out to do!!!

We are here in the middle of January and guess what? Some people have already quit on their New Years Resolutions Goals – especially those that had a goal to start a new fitness program. Hell, I’m willing to bet that some have not even started yet!!!

Don’t let this be YOU!!!

Know that no matter what, I am here for you. I am here to make sure you stick with your program, get the results you are wanting to achieve and get in the best shape of your life.

YES! I will challenge you!

YES! At times it may suck and hurt!

YES! It is worth it!!!

BUT … it all starts with YOU!!!

Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what your worth and I’ll be with you every single step of the way!!!

This video is what inspired me to write this message to you today. This could be the BEST 3 minutes you have ever spent in front of your computer…
Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Click Here for Part 2 of this Blog Post!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Newsletter - The Worlds Best Exercise

Keep Moving Forward
So Hey Friends, Sean here and something just got into me that I wanted to share with you in this edition of Champions Drive On!
You see, I chose the title of this publication, Champions Drive On because I KNOW how hard it can be at times to keep moving... to keep pushing keep striving for your best... especially when you have be knocked down and don't want to get back up!!!
But... Champions Drive On!!!
What does that mean?  It means YOU dig deep, put aside excuses and procrastination and take charge of your future, your actions and not allow anything negative to stop you from doing what it takes to accomplish the things you have set out to do!!!
We are here in the middle of January and guess what?  Some people have already quit on their New Years Resolutions Goals - especially those that had a goal to start a new fitness program.  Hell, I'm willing to bet that some have not even started yet!!!
Don't let this be YOU!!!
Know that no matter what, I am here for you.  I am here to make sure you stick with your program, get the results you are wanting to achieve and get in the best shape of your life. 
YES!  I will challenge you!
YES!  At times it may suck and hurt!
YES!  It is worth it!!!
BUT ... it all starts with YOU!!!
Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what your worth and I'll be with you every single step of the way!!!
This video is what inspired me to write this message to you today.  This could be the BEST 4 and a half minutes you have ever spent in front of your computer... 
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this discussion in Feb 1st edition!!!
Complex is Best
Wait! Don't just skim down to see which exercise I've labeled as the best, get the whole story...

I'm often approached and asked to pin down a single exercise as the one that will help lose the most fat and sculpt the quickest. That's not an easy question to answer.

You see, I'm very aware of the fact that though an exercise may be perfect for Client A, it may not be the best choice for Client B—hence my hesitation to label any exercise as the universal best.

That being said, some exercises are definitely better than others. And, yes, there are even a few that I would call the best.

What makes an exercise the best?
When you decide which exercises to include in your routine, it is important to consider the type of movement involved. The simpler the movement, the fewer calories you'll burn and the fewer muscles you will strengthen. On the other hand, the more complex the movement, the more calories you will burn and the more muscles you will strengthen.

To put it simply, exercises that use complex movements will deliver better results than exercises that use only simple movements. Complex movements recruit multiple muscles, some to stabilize and others to perform the movement. This process keeps your heart rate higher than a simple exercise would, giving you a more intense workout.

What is a complex movement?
A complex movement is a multi-joint movement that recruits large portions of the body to complete the exercise. Let's compare a simple movement leg exercise with a complex movement leg exercise:

The leg extension machine uses a simple, isolated movement to work the quadriceps. You're in a seated position moving only your knee joint. There isn't much involvement, if any, from other muscles and it doesn't burn very many calories.

Now let's look at a free weight walking lunge. You start by standing with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand at your sides (or a barbell across your shoulders, or a medicine ball held at your chest, or even with no weight at all). You take a large step forward and lower your back knee, keeping your front knee at a 90 degree angle. Now you push off your front foot and pull your back leg forward, repeating the movement.

How many muscles did you utilize while performing the lunge? Probably too many to count.

You certainly worked your quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings, calves, abdominals, supporting muscles in your shoulders, arms and back- just to name a few. You also raised your heart rate and really kicked your metabolism into high gear. That's what I call a great exercise.

Other ways to increase intensity
Using complex movements are just one of many ways to kick your workout intensity up a notch. Try incorporating a Super Set into your routine. To do so simply perform two or more exercises in a row and then take a short rest.

Or how about a Compound Set? Perform one exercise, rest, then perform an exercise with opposing body parts. To find exercises that compliment one another, choose ones that have similar but opposite motions such as a chest press and a row.

The key to finding the best exercise is to find the ones that bring your workout intensity to a whole new level.

I'd be shortchanging you if I named any exercise as the best. The fact of the matter is that it is a combination of changing your workouts up, using interval training, and even some good old cardio that will ultimately see you to your goal.

These methods will help you to burn more calories, increase your metabolic rate, and will stimulate the production of more fat burning and muscle toning hormones. Of course, there is more involved to achieving your fitness goals. You need to incorporate fat burning into your routine. You need to consistently challenge yourself during workouts. You need to take control of your eating habits and to get your diet dialed in.

So what's the best exercise for you? Find out - call or email me today to schedule your no obligation fitness consultation.
You're In Charge
While there are many things in life that you do not have direct control over, what ends up in your mouth is not one of them! You control what you eat. Instead of eating extra large portions, chose wisely and your body and waistline will thank you for it. Couple this with a regular fitness routine and you will find that reaching and maintaining your goal weight is easier than ever.
Quinoa and Winter Squash Salad
This recipe is another great way to enjoy protein-filled quinoa. Winter squash combined with celery, onion and parsley makes a healthy and comforting side dish. Servings: 10

Here's what you need:
  • 2 yellow onions, diced
  • 4 celery stalks, diced
  • 4 carrots, diced
  • 2 cups diced squash, butternut or any other fall or winter squash
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon brown rice syrup
  • dash of freshly ground sea salt
  • zest and juice from 1 lemon
  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 4 sprigs of parsley, finely minced
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Place the onions, celery, carrots and squash in a large bowl. Mix in the oil and syrup, then sprinkle the salt and lemon zest. Mix until well combined and then place on a shallow baking dish. Cover the dish and bake for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes remove cover and cook for another 15 minutes.
  3. While the vegetables are in the oven, put the quinoa and water in a saucepan, cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for about 25 minutes over low heat, until the water is absorbed.
  4. Combine the vegetables and cooked quinoa together with the lemon juice and parsley. Serve warm or chilled.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 95 calories, 1g fat, 19g carbohydrate, 2.5g fiber, and 4g protein. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Newsletter - 2011 Predictions

2011 Fitness Predictions
Happy New Year! January is an exciting time – you have a clean slate to become who you want and accomplish what you want in the year ahead.

In the world of fitness, this time of year means tons of new faces and lives being changed. New Year's magically pulls people to exercise – maybe you're feeling the pull yourself.

Here are 5 predictions for the year ahead:

1. 2011 is the year that many will lose weight and regain their health. Times are changing. People are realizing that obesity has gotten out of hand, and exercise is back in the spotlight.

The real food movement is taking the globe by storm as people turn away from fast and processed foods and return to wholesome, nutritious meals.

2011 will be the year that many people adopt a healthier lifestyle and drop the extra weight. Maybe even you.

2. 92% of all New Year's Resolutions will end in failure.While millions will start gung ho in January with lofty goals for massive weight loss, the reality is that most will fail. Here's why:

They bite off more than they can chew.

In all the excitement of becoming a better person and transforming their life in the New Year, they make the crucial mistake of committing too much. But reality soon sets in and they give up.

Want to be apart of the 8% who will achieve their resolutions?

Then set realistic goals.
  • Instead of resolving to lose 50 pounds by June, commit to exercise 3-4 times each week.
  • Instead of resolving to give up all carbs, commit to bring healthy snacks to work instead eating from the vending machine.
  • Instead of resolving to drop 3 sizes in 3 months, commit to losing 1 pound each week until you reach your desired size.
  • Instead of resolving to never eat out again, commit to eating healthy all week and reward yourself with one meal out on the weekends.
Remember that the whole point of making a New Year's Resolution is to become a healthier, happier and more successful person. Small changes done consistently will make a big difference.

3. I will help boatloads of new clients drop hundreds of unwanted pounds in 2011. At this time every year I am flooded with new, motivated clients who are ready to change their lives. Starting in January and right through December, I will see these amazing people face their fears, dig in with determination and accomplish great things.

That's why I love what I do so much.

Hundreds upon hundreds of pounds will be lost under my watch this year.

4. Every single new client that sticks with my program in 2011 will lose the weight. There are no maybes when it comes to me and weight loss. It's what I do, and I do it well.

When a new client comes in to share their goals, I put together a plan to make those goals a reality. Sure, you have to follow the plan, show up for workouts and change how you eat.

And the results are all yours.

5. When you join my program your success is guaranteed. You will no longer be among the 92% who will let go of their fitness goal around January 20th. You'll be in an elite group who put their money where their mouth is.

My clients meet their goals – the only question for you is what are you waiting for?

I predict that 2011 will be an amazing year. Come prove me right :)

Call or email today to get a jumpstart on your best year yet.
Home Cooking
Here's a simple way to lose weight in the New Year – cook more meals at home. Take control of the foods that you eat. This is the first step toward reclaiming your body and boosting your metabolism.

Dinner doesn't have to be elaborate. Include lean protein, fresh vegetables and a whole grain – that's it!
Easy Turkey Wrap
This wrap is perfect to pack for lunch or makes a quick and healthy dinner. It's ready in a flash, tastes amazing, and is filled with lean turkey, veggies and whole sprouted grains. Try it today, but don't be surprised if you get hooked! Servings: 1

Here's what you need:
  • 1 sprouted grain tortilla, 6 inches
  • 1 Tablespoon low fat cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup tomato, chopped
  • 1 cup lettuce roughly chopped
  • 3oz lean turkey slices
  • dash of salt and pepper
  1. Spread a tablespoon of cream cheese evenly over one side of the tortilla.
  2. Arrange the turkey slices over the cream cheese and layer with tomatoes. Top with lettuce, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll the tortilla closed.
  3. Cut in half and enjoy.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 228 calories, 6g fat, 21g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 21g protein.