Tuesday, April 29, 2014

300 Pound Reverse Sled Drag

The Mayhem Crew gets it done today by finishing their lower body training with this 300 Pound Reverse Sled Drag for 50 Feet. 

Check out the excitement, hard work and FUN these Maniacs unleashed during training today!


Benefits of the Reverse Sled Drag

After watching this video you may be curious as to the benefits (or why the hell would anyone do this) of this exercise.

The Reverse Sled Drag can be and SHOULD be used for a variety of reasons no matter what your specific fitness goals are.

This is a great Strength and Conditioning exercise that specifically targets the Glutes, Hamstrings and Calves but also Grip Strength which means stronger arms, shoulders, back and core. Not only does it provide great strength and overall power of the entire body but it also cranks up the cardio.  I'll get back to that later.

Think of the Reverse Sled Drag as a complete posterior chain exercise that can be done with literally anything heavy!

Don't Have a Sled?

If you don't have an old snow sled or don't want to purchase a commercial sled you do have options. You can tie a rope to an old tire, log, even your car or truck (just have someone ready to hit the brakes) and pull it for distance.  Outdoor terrain such as grass, sand or mud can take this exercise to another challenging level.  Are you prepared for uphill sled drags?

How To Perform the Reverse Sled Drag

Basically its as simple as it sounds - Grab the rope tied to the object your pulling and start dragging!  Ok, there is a little more to it than that so here is what you want to keep in mind during this drill.

#1 - Grasp the rope with a firm overhand grip.  If using a rope, your thumbs should be pointed toward the Sled.  This will keep help keep your wrists straight and improve your grip strength.

#2 - Pull all the slack out of the rope before starting the Sled.  If you are a beginner to this exercise, you don't want to start the Sled with a jerking motion of your arms, shoulders, lower back, etc.  See my Advanced Training tips at the end of this article if you're more experienced in your training.  By starting strict you'll protect yourself from injury that can be caused by trying to use momentum building jerking with this exercise.

#3 - Keeping your arms straight, shoulders down (no shrugging), upper body as tight as possible and core engaged (no slouching of the abs, or bending at the hips or of the lower back) step one foot behind the other as you move the Sled for the distance or time desired.  Try to take as big steps backwards as you can, this promotes more muscle activation and drive through your heels.  Act as if your pushing the floor towards the sled as you step back.

#4 - Make sure you move in one straight line, keeping a tight posture.  If you find yourself drifting more to the left or right you have an imbalance of strength, balance or both that needs to be addressed.

#5 - Repeat for desired training goals.

Reverse Sled Drag for Desired Training Goals

As you can probably tell already, this exercise is a simple yet very effective training drill that can be applied to any fitness goal you may have.  Whether you're looking for more strength in your squats, a more explosive and faster sprint or simply a firmer and tight backside, this exercise will deliver, however its important to use it correctly for the desired effect you want.

Reverse Sled Drag For Strength

If you're looking to add serious strength to your posterior chain you have a variety of options to choose from, however the Sled drag requires minimum instruction and little to no risk in your training that offers BIG results.

Start with a distance of 50 feet.  If you have less space then this, thats A-Ok, just work with what you have available.

Load up the Sled with a weight thats challenging but manageable for you to complete the distance without stopping or breaking form.

If you find yourself taking very small steps and barely moving the weight, or stopping several times, lighten the load.  If however, you feel like you can practically jog or damn near run with the weight, add more.  Over time, you will see your strength improve as you're able to move more weight within the same distance without stopping and resting.

Repeat this drill as prescribed:

Beginner - 1 - 2 Rounds (50 - 100 Feet total)
Intermediate - 2 - 3 Rounds (100 - 150 Feet total)
Advanced - 4 - 6 Rounds (200 - 300 Feet total)

Reverse Sled Drag for Explosive Speed

Start with a distance of 50 feet.  If you have less space than this, that's A-OK, just work with what you have available.

Load the Sled up with a weight thats challenging but manageable for you to complete the distance for time without stopping or breaking form.

Have someone time you with a stop watch as you complete the distance as fast as you can.

You should move the weight quickly at a fast paced sprint backwards.

Rest for 30 - 45 seconds and repeat.  Try to beat or come across the finish line within the same time.

If you fall short of your first time trial you are done for the day.  Start with the same weight the next training session and try to beat or match your previous time.

When you are able to complete or beat your time 3 rounds in a row, increase the weight of the Sled and repeat this same training format.

Training Tips: 
  • Use a harness vest or belt to keep your arms and hands free for this drill.  
  • Make sure you are conditioned to Run Backwards before attempting to run with a weighted Sled backwards!
  • You can also have a partner hold you with resistance bands instead of using a sled
Reverse Sled Drag for Fat Loss, Tight Glutes and Sculpted Legs!

Hey ladies, looking for tighter glutes and sexier legs? - Add the Sled!  It should come as no surprise that doing this drill will have you looking and feeling amazing in your tight blue jeans or Summer dress!

Now, forget going light here.  For serious results keep the sleds weight challenging that you can move with correct form for distance or time.

Follow a mixed protocol of the Strength and Speed listed above using the Sled 2 - 3 times per week.  Alternate your training days of working with the heavier Sled for Strength one day and then lightening the load for more speed the next time.

Looking for Cardio?

Hit the Sled, no matter if you go heavy or lighter, this drill will be sure to get your heart pumping!

Advanced Training Techniques: (WARNING! Only use these options once you've been training with the Sled for a while and are comfortable adding these)
  • Reverse Sled High Pull / Drag - Using a combination of Upper Body and lower body in an explosive manner, start the sled by bending at your hips and pulling the sled towards you with your arms and legs.  Without stopping, run backwards till the slack is almost completely out of the rope - and repeat for distance, reps or time.
  • Reverse Walking Lunge with Sled Drag - Start with the rope slack pulled out tight and step back with your right leg until both knees are at 90 degrees and your front thigh is parallel with the floor.  Push through your front left heel as you stand up tall, pulling the sled with your leg (not arms!!!) and step back immediately back with your left foot bringing both knees to 90 degrees once again.  Repeat this for time, reps or distance.
  • Reverse Jump with Sled Drag - Start with the rope slack pulled tight.  Squat down about 3/4 of the way down and explode backwards into a jump pulling the Sled with your momentum.  Repeat for reps, distance or time.
  • Reverse Squat Jump with Sled Drag - Start with the rope slack pulled tight.  Move into a full Squat down.  With an explosive movement, jump backwards as you come back up from the bottom of the squat to the 3/4 position pulling the Sled with your momentum.
As you can see, the Sled is a very versatile and useful training tool that can help you develop Speed, Strength, Cardiovascular performance, Burn Fat and help you look and feel your very best!  Play around with the Sled and I'm sure you'll come up with all kinds of Fun and New ways to challenge yourself!

Of course, we haven't even talked about what you can do with the Sled when pulling it from behind you!!

Get Work Done!

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Friday, April 25, 2014

Want Results?

Then you better get comfortable being uncomfortable...

I explain it all here.

Now check out how our members at Mayhem Fitness Unleashed the Fury with Friday's Full Body Training session.  Yeaaaaahhhhhhh MAN!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Josh Leads the Training

So hey gang,

Mayhem here and right now I'm actually struggling to type this blog post out as I just finished an awesome Delt, Bicep, Tricep and Forearm training session LEAD by one of my members, Josh Ferrell.

I decided I would pass on this badge of honor to Josh after he has shown me considerably hard work over the past 6 weeks.  Josh has never missed a training session since we have begun, is always on time - most days 15 minutes early and always prepared to do battle.

In fact, I can recall one particular instance in which he told me he would not be able to come in and train because of scheduling conflicts with another obligation he had.  Of course I was surprised when he showed up ready to work saying that his previous engagement was canceled.  

He could of simply ditched that days training (after all, he already told me he couldn't make it in) come in the next training day and I wouldn't of ever known the difference.

Now, you may be thinking, big deal, dude wants to train so of course he's going to show up.  And you know what, you're right!

But to me it IS a big deal because it shows the determination, the commitment level and the no excuses mentality that this young guy brings to the gym each and every day.

And that's exactly what separates those that WANT IT and WORK FOR IT from those that WISH FOR IT and NEVER GET IT!

Ok, so little rant over, but yeah, Josh earned this day so I told him, "We have Dead-lifts on deck for tomorrow, what would you like to focus on today, its your ball-game and your quarterbacking."

From there I was going to give a few suggestions but he stopped me as soon as I mentioned that we could work on some shoulders and arms bodybuilding style.

"That's exactly what I was feeling," was his reply and from there he took the lead and we went to work.  I simply followed his lead only giving some options when he would ask but truly, Josh went on the fly and designed our training for the day and I got one hell of a workout.

It's good to let go of the reigns once in a while and shock the body with another person's influence and today will truly go in the books for us to repeat again when we want to blitz delts, bi's and tri's.

Here was our training:

Standing Military BB Press - I set the rack at shoulder height and followed a rep pattern of 10 / 8 / 6 / 15 - Josh hit sets of 10 reps and would clean the BB up to perform his first rep.

BB Curl - Again, I continued with the 10 / 8 / 6 / 15 rep pattern and Josh continued with sets of 10.

Decline Skull Crushers - Same rep pattern as above.

War Machine Chest Rotation Press - 3 sets of 5 per side.  (See video below)

Forearm Tri-Set Blitz: (See Video Below)

Seated Reverse Curls / Standing BB Behind Back Curls / Chain Hammer Curls - 3 Sets of Failure

After that we burned it out with 3 rounds of the Sledgehammer Slams, Plank Rows and Full Out Aggressions.

Thanks Josh for an awesome ARMageddon workout!

This video shows our final round of the Forearm Tri-Set Blitz.

And here is the Video of the War Machine Chest Rotation Press

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Full Body Strength & Conditioning Workout

Hey Yo! 


So... I thought I'd give ya a truly FUN and effective workout you can do practically anywhere with or without any additional equipment. Grab a friend and rock this one out to get over the Mid-week Hump!

Mark out 50 Feet - this will be your training area. Each drill will be for this distance unless otherwise noted. Make sure you do a good warmup before starting this routine.

Start with Frog Jumps (Burpee w/ Broad Jump Forward) add a slam ball or heavy object thrown for distance for added intensity.

Teammate Fireman Drag or Reverse Sled Drag (Have anything heavy laying around? Tie a rope to it and drag it!)

10 Mountain Climbers - 2 Sprint Laps (100 Feet equals 1 Lap)

Pushups - Sub Max effort

Walk Lunge Into Box Jump - Take 3 Lunges up to Object (Bench, Box, Tire) then Jump Over and repeat for the 50 Feet distance. If you don't have anything to jump onto or over, do a squat jump instead.

Pull-Ups - Sub Max effort - If you don't have a pull-up bar you can do inverted rows instead. You can loop a rope around a low hanging strong tree branch to do these.

Complete this drill for as many rounds as you can.

Beginner - 1-2 Rounds
Intermediate - 3-4 Rounds
Advanced - 5-6 Rounds

Go have some fun with this one outside!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tornado Ball Fun

Josh, Marvin and I had a blast utilizing this homemade version of a Tornado Ball with some wall slams. 

It'll take a few times to get it down right but this was a great challenge at the end of our training on Friday and a great way to mix in some fun. 

Check it out :D

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

MXT Training Clips 15APR14

The 7 AM Mayhem Crew gets their work done with todays High Explosive Cardio and Strength Training and Conditioning. 

These Maniacs know what it means to being Agile, Mobile and Hostile! Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh Buddyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why Fitness Programs Fail

Hey gang,

Mayhem here and yesterday I received an email from your typical guy who is looking to get back in shape and finding it hard to motivate himself to start a fitness program after a long lay off.

There are some great take away lessons that may relate to you in this video as I discuss why programs could be the problem and what to do instead.

Check it out!

Training Clips 10APR14

Clips of our 9:30 AM Mayhem Crew Getting Work Done!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

MXT Training Clips 9APR14

The Mayhem crew really brought it today blasting through a Full Body Strength and Conditioning workout for 30 Minutes straight. 

 Each station consisted of 6 minute rounds and these Maniacs were challenged with Pull-ups, Push-ups, Tire Flips, Battle Chains, Sprints, Farmer Carries and much much more. 

 Check out the training clips here and then ask yourself - 

"Am I Ready to UNLEASH the Mayhem?"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Men Muscle Mayhem - Final Round 8APR14

We just wrapped up another rocking day at MXT. Today's focus was lower body. 

 Josh and Marvin hit 3 Sets of Back Squats and then another 3 Sets of Zercher Squats. 

 Being a De-Load week for myself I hit 6 sets of BB Front Box Squats. From there we moved onto Step-Ups and Mountain Climbers for 3 Rounds. 

 Finally, we had some fun with some Speed, Power and Explosive work shown in the video below. Pretty much hit this drill till it was last man standing - OHHHHHH What-A Rush!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Men, Muscle & Mayhem Training 4APR14

Had some fun this Friday with Josh and Chuck. 

Lots of Fresh air and sunlight pouring in through the wide open Garage door and heavy metal thumping through the speakers as well as dropping on the floor. Our day started with Heavy Dead Lifting. 

Chuck and I focusing on 5x5 while working with Josh and his form. Kid is getting stronger every week and showing what he is made of with great form on his Deads. 

From there we moved onto Super-sets of DB Rows and Pull-ups for 3 working rounds. Then it was a Free-For-All Finisher with Bear Crawl / Pushups and Heavy Sled Row - Drag as seen in the Video Clips. 

Way to get work done Gentlemen! 

Unleash The Beast! 

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy