Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Keg Training

Keg Clean & Press 
  1. With Keg Laying flat on its side on the ground approach with your toes touching the Keg.
  2. Grasp the Keg with a tight grip and elevate your hips so that your back is flat, very similar to a dead-lift position.
  3. Engage your hamstrings, Glutes and Upper back to lift the keg up past the knees.  
  4. Once at the Hips (or mid thighs) Push your hips forward contracting the Glutes while simultaneously flipping the keg so now your hands come up underneath of the Keg.  
  5. At this top position, the Keg will come to rest on your Chest.  
  6. Use a strict or push press to drive the Keg over-top of your head into a full lock out position.  
  7. Lower back down and repeat.  
  8. Add a Push-Up to add intensity to this movement.
Keg Carry
  1. Pick the Keg Up with various styles of grips (Holding on either side, bear hug, overhead, etc) and carry for distance or time.
  2. You can do teammate carries as well.
Keg Overhead Squat
  1. Perform the Clean & Press to get the Keg Overhead
  2. Engage your Rear Delts (back of shoulders) to maintain strict alignment of Keg over the crown of your head drop into a squat.
  3. Perform desired reps and repeat for sets.
Keg Toss
  1. Throw the Keg, Overhead, to the side or front.
  2. Chase it down and repeat for desired reps or time.