Thursday, May 29, 2014

Barbells, PR's and Mayhem - OH MY!


Today was an exceptional day at our training facility Mayhem Fitness & Cross Training.  Our members have been working extremely hard over the past 16 weeks getting stronger, leaner and better in every sense of the word.

Today PROVED that their hard work and dedication leads to Success...

Here is how it all went down.

I was approached at the end of last year by so many members who were wanting to accomplish different strength goals such as hitting their first pull-up and of course, how they can get better results with their fat loss goals.

So I decided to issue a Challenge to those that were willing to accept it - and I'll have to say, most of these Maniacs were up to it so we went to work.

The Challenge, focus on PERFORMANCE in and out of the gym for 16 solid weeks.  Giving absolute dedication to their nutrition, supplementation (as needed) and training in the gym.  

I told them, "The scale is your absolute LAST measurement of success, in fact, I don't want you to worry about it one single bit.  If you put your total attention on getting better every single day in the gym and focus your nutrition around those efforts, your body has no option but to adapt, get stronger, build lean muscle and BURN FAT."

My approach was simple - take their minds OFF OF LOSING WEIGHT and show them something much better and much more rewarding, BUILDING PERFORMANCE... the weight loss (in the form of FAT) would be a by-product of this approach.

The reason I did this is because I feel too often people stress about their weight and try to micro-manage everything, especially women;  I'll add that we train mostly women, in fact they make up the largest percentage of my facility.  When people do this, they tend to question if what they are doing is working and ultimately jump from diet to diet and all kinds of various programs which often lead them to frustration and maybe even quitting altogether.

By giving them something to truly focus on for 16 weeks, with no deviation and a plan of showing success with short bench marks over time, they were able to stay motivated and accountable to what they were doing each and every week in and out of the gym.

Part of this challenge was for our participants to get stronger with Pull-Ups, the Bench Press and Back Barbell Squat.  I chose these 3 exercises because they recruit the most muscle activation, (working every major and minor muscle group in the body), which translates into overall strength and body composition (less fat, more muscle).  And as we know, women tend to want to focus mostly on those stubborn trouble spots; Butt, Thighs, Legs, Triceps and Back Flab - these 3 exercises target all those areas in a big way.

So today, as we start wrapping up this 16 week Challenge, we tested our members with these 3 exercises to show their progress in each one.  We started with their Pull-Ups with 2 attempts.  I allowed them to chose their strongest grip, overhand or underhand (Chin-Ups) and perform as many reps as they could on their own and then again with assistance, a partner holding their feet as they perform as many reps as possible.  Next, we moved onto the Bench Press in which they were given 3 attempts, using the first 2 as warmups and preparing them for their third and final lift for as much weight as they could execute with strict form for a minimum of 3 reps.  We did the same thing for the Barbell Back Squat as we did for the Bench Press.

Not everyone was able to hit their first unassisted Pull-Up yet, however, they all improved with their assisted pull-ups, bench press and squat.  With that said, how many people do you know who get stuck week after week, month after month, year after year with little to no progress in their fitness program?  Maybe that describes you, I don't know but what I do know is that these members truly showed what hard work, dedication and tenacity WILL do.

But don't take my word for it... check out what many of these members posted on Facebook about this extraordinary day.

I want to congratulate each and every member who took on this Challenge and persisted on without exception each and every day for the past 16 weeks.  You Champions should be proud of your accomplishments and I am honored to be your coach... with that said, this is only the beginning :D

Keep rocking it crew and for everyone reading this post - Do Work Each and Every Day, No Excuses! Everything is possible and it's all up to YOU.

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

I almost forgot, with our new members who weren't able to start this challenge 16 weeks ago we set their bench marks and will look forward to watch their progress and we continue to drive on...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Burn Outs - Why Do Em...

Hey there Mayhem Maniacs,

Murphy here and I have a Fun but demanding training method for you to try if you have never done so and at MXT we call them "BURN OUTS!"

In case you're not familiar with this term I use - "Burn Out," it simply means finishing your workout with High Intensity Intervals that leaves you with practically nothing left to give.

A Burn Out consists of a single exercise or a group of exercises performed together with maximum effort for either time or a series of rounds.

Want An Example?

Today I did a Pyramid Burn Out that consisted of Resistance Runs - Sprinting as fast as I could while dragging an 80 pound tire behind me for 1 Lap of about 100 Feet, then pumping out 10 Pushups and 10 Crunches.  I repeated this drill again starting with 1 Lap of the Tire Sled Run, then 9 Pushups and 9 Crunches, then 1 Lap 8 Pushups 8 Crunches and so on and so on until I finished with 1 Pushup and 1 Abdominal Crunch and yes, that meant 10 Rounds of the dreaded Tire Sled Resistance Run.  By the time I got to my sixth round, I was really fighting to finish with the tire run and the pushups were near exhausting as I was trying to regain my breathing... the key here is, no rest and keep pushing.  Of course my time on the sled got slower and slower as reached the end of this Burn Out but that didn't matter; what did matter was finishing what I had started and seeing it to the end, with everything I had to give!

Side Note: Pyramid Training is nothing new.  In fact, Joe Weider pioneered the idea back in the day.  You can add Pyramid Training to any regimen that you decide to do and chances are, you already have.  Whether you take your rep scheme or weights up or down, you are in fact pyramiding.  You can read more about Pyramid Training in this blog post by clicking here.

So why do Burn Outs?

There are several benefits of the Burn Out Method but the biggest benefit is what I'll refer to as the after-burn effect.  If your goal is to slim down, lose more fat and show off that hard earned muscle, this will truly help get the job done.

It has been scientifically proven and shown that high intensity interval training promotes the greatest fat burn, boosts the anabolic response and your metabolism far better than steady cardio.  Of course you can mix in this type of training at any point into your routine, even implement a whole workout based on High Intensity Intervals (H.I.I.)

However, if you're focusing on absolute Strength and Power workouts you don't want to be doing this H.I.I.Training within those workouts as it will decrease your performance.  I know there is a lot of popularity with doing Olympic Lifting and Power Movements at high intensity and using high reps but this type of training can lead to overuse injuries and actual DECREASES in Strength and Power, the exact opposite of what those exercises are designed to give you.  Joe Defranco states it best when he says there is a time for Strength Training and a time for Conditioning Training, don't get the two confused.

But lets say your focus is on Fat Loss, Muscular / Cardiovascular Endurance and overall athletic performance - not absolute Strength and Power.  That is when the H.I.I.Training is the perfect protocol to mix into your routine and / or build your entire workout around.  I would caution that building a complete workout around H.I.I.Training should not be a daily routine but mixing these types of drills into your routine 2-4 times per week is perfectly acceptable.  This is where BURN OUTS can truly come into play because you can incorporate these into ANY workout every single time you train.  I especially like to put these into my Strength and Power routines because I HATE cardio and these get it done quickly in a FUN and Challenging way.

Here's How To Do Your Burn Out...

I always base my Burn Outs around the training that was completed for the day.  Was the focus on Lower Body... Chest... Back... Full Body?  The Burn Out is simply to give those muscle groups one last challenge to take yourself to near failure - think SubMax effort here, you don't want to take yourself to absolute exhaustion or failure but enough of a challenge to boost your overall performance and kick your metabolism up a notch.

Mix in a strength exercise along with some type of cardiovascular drill and repeat for either time or rounds.  In the example I gave above with the Pyramid Resistance Run, I chose to complete 10 Full Rounds, no matter how long it took me.  Other times I'll choose to complete 2-4 minutes and try to complete as many rounds / reps as possible (AMRAP).

Here are a few more examples you can do after your next workout...

Lower Body Burn Out:
  • Bodyweight Squat Hops - 10 Reps
  • 10 Cadence Count Mountain Climbers
  • 2 Sprints - 100 Feet
  • Repeat 2 more rounds
Upper Body Burn Out:
  • Push-Ups - SubMax Failure (leave one or two reps left in the tank)
  • 10 Burpees
  • Bear Crawl - 50 Feet
  • 5 Burpees
  • Repeat until 5 Minutes is Up
Full Body Burn Out:
  • Walk Lunge for 50 Feet
  • 10 Cadence Count Mountain Climbers
  • 2 Sprint Laps - 50 Feet
  • SubMax Pushups
  • 5 Burpees
  • 2 Sprint Laps - 50 Feet
  • Perform this as fast as you can for 1 Round
Single Exercise Burn Outs:
  •  Biceps - 21's or Drop Sets
  • Triceps - Parallel Bar Dips - Weighted Drop Sets or Reverse Pyramid
  • Lower Body - Wall Sit Squat - 1 Round for as long as you can hold
  • Back - Pull-Ups - Reverse Pyramid or Weighted Drop Sets
  • Chest - Push-Ups - Pyramid or Various Forms
IMPORTANT!  Do not sacrifice form on any exercise for speed while doing these Burn Outs.

So there you have it, one of our Secret Weapons we use at MXT to give our members another Ultimate Advantage with Fat Loss, Muscular Strength and Endurance and Cardiovascular Fitness - and most of this stuff is with no equipment needed!

Now...Go Get Work Done!


Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Mayhem Part II

I feel it necessary to give Mad Shouts to all our Mayhem Maniacs who came out this morning and completed the Challenges we had in honor of our fallen Veterans.

You could of been anywhere else this morning but you CHOSE to give your time to the Men and Women who have given us the Ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the Freedoms we sometimes take for granted in this great Nation.

I don't look at it as you came in and did a workout today... No, today you showed your badge of honor written in Red, White and Blue and I am truly Blessed and Honored to Serve such great men and women in our RVA community.

You each had the choice to sleep in or take on The Murph or MXT 500 Rep Challenge.  Some of you chose to do BOTH challenges, ok maybe all 3, however you want to look at it - Just Kidding...

But really, I thank you all for coming in and doing work.  We have MXT family who have served, are currently serving in the Armed Forces today and who are getting ready to start their service in the Military.  

I truly feel that each of you who came in today HONORED ALL of our Veterans and showed them your support and love that words cannot begin to express.

I shot some video of all of you Champions and I would be grateful if you shared this with Pride, not as a way of being boastful - but as a way to show tribute to our Fallen Heroes.

God Bless you and I personally Thank You - Mae De'Bruin, Lori Kanary, Alison Carlton, Christine Jones, Kathryn Knight, Laura Mills, Zachary Midulla, Jen Min, Wendy Cox, Christine Rivas, Laura Cobetto, Roger and Dawn Neher who I might also mention, brought their kids along who also pushed hard!!!

This is Honor of the Brave Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice so that we may live in Freedom.  None of us would be where we are today without the ones who paved the way for us.  Here is to You in Cherished Memories, Love and Honor...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Mayhem Part I

Hey Gang,

Coach Mayhem Murphy here and if you're reading this BEFORE Monday, May 26th 2014 GET EXCITED and GET READY for THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!

At Mayhem Fitness & Cross Training we'll be offering 2 different workouts that you can choose from - OR do them BOTH!  Details are in the video below so check it out and truly, get ready to rock it, Red White and Blue Americana Style!

Check out the video right now for full details!

Ok, so what exactly is the Murph Challenge and where did this concept come from?

Originally called the Memorial Day Murph, the Murph Challenge has been supported for several years from participants who decide to take it on in honor of Lt Michael Murphy; the officer-in-charge of a SEAL team in Operation Red Wing.  

Lt Murphy knowingly gave his life during a fire fight for his brothers in combat.  

The movie Lone Survivor portrays his story and we are honored to bring his story to everyone we can at Mayhem Fitness.

You can read all about the Murph Challenge and Lt Michael Murphy by visiting

Come on out to Mayhem Fitness & Cross Training THIS Monday, May 26th, 2014 anytime between 7 am and 11 (we'll be closing at 11 am) and we'll help you through the Murph Challenge OR our personal Mayhem Memorial Day Challenge.

Both challenges are OPEN TO EVERYONE, member or not of MXT so invite your friends and family to come out and take on the challenge.

Also, if you have ever served or have a family member who is currently serving, is a veteran or has fallen while serving in our Armed Forces, please know we are forever grateful to ALL of our Men and Women and we will continue to honor them in our hearts and lives to no end.  We would love to hear your story so please, comment below!

Thank you and God Bless... HOOAH!

OH!  I almost forgot - if you have ANY type of military shirt, wear it with PRIDE on Memorial Day - you know I will be :D

Coach Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Innsbrook Autism Run Walk 2014

Lori and I want to thank her brother Bubbi for all he does every single day, being a servant to others, his children and to all of those around him.  You break your back every day brother, so here is our Tribute to you...

We Love You!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pyramid Training

HEY NOW!  Here is a fun way for you to really shake things up in your training but be forewarned; if you've never done Pyramiding before, this will challenge you to a whole new level.  Check out the video where I talk about it all, and show you my Final Round of Friday's Full Body Pyramid Pounding!

Pyramid Training is not a new concept and chances are, you've done some type of Pyramid before.  No, I'm not talking about the time your neighbors invited you over to a back yard BBQ and then had something AMAZING to share with you, I'm referring to a training principle that Joe Wieder pioneered back in the day.

Pyramiding is a simple training method in which involves your weights and / or rep scheme to add intensity and progressive overload into your workout over time.

The most common method is starting with lighter weight and higher reps and as you continue with each working set, you add more weight but decrease your reps.  Something like a set of Bench Press for 10,8,6,4 for example.

You can also reverse this method by starting heavier and dropping the weight down as you perform more reps so again on the Bench, 3,6,9,12

You've heard me say before that Intensity is the #1 Factor that must be employed if you're looking to Burn Fat and Get Stronger - Pyramiding is a sure fire way to do just that for BOTH these reasons.

In today's training we took 5 Exercises and Used the Reverse Pyramid principle starting with 10 Reps.  We then finished each round with 1 Lap of 50 Feet with a heavy Farmer's Carry.

Here is the workout you can do yourself -

Reverse Pyramid

  • Pull-Ups
  • Push-Ups
  • Squats
  • Tire Flip
  • Burpee
  • Sledgehammer Chops
  • and then 50 Feet Farmer Carry - 1 Lap Each Time

Start this routine with 10 reps of each exercise, then repeat doing each one 9 times, followed by 8, then 7 and on until you have completed 1 Rep of each along with your final lap of Farmer Carries.  In the end you will have done 55 Reps of each exercises and 10 Laps of Heavy Farmer Carries.

Don't allow the simplicity of this routine to fool you - this is a Pyramid Pounder and one that is sure to go down in the Mayhem History Books as one of the greatest training sessions ever!

Go out and Do Work!

PS: Bring on even more of a challenge by wearing a weighted vest during the whole workout.  The heavier your tire, sledgehammer and farmer carrying equipment, the better as well!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

MXT Training Clips - 21MAY14

Speed / Agility / Strength / Mobility / That was the name of the Game today at Mayhem Fitness & Cross Training.

Watch how these Maniacs conquered another challenging day at MXT!

Are You Ready to Unleash The Mayhem?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Really? You're Not Going to the Gym Today...

You may want to think about this before you let your excuses ever stop you again from showing up and doing work...

Go Do Work!

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Home-Made Training Sled

Hey Gang,

Today I shot a very quick video on a home-made sled that we use at our training facility, Mayhem Fitness & Cross Training.

We use this sled for many different exercises and I figured I could save you some money by sharing this information with you.

Along with this video of the Home-Made Sled I also show you how I perform the High Row Drag with it.

Take a look and I'll walk you through the exercise below...

Sled High Row Drag

  • This is an excellent exercise that will help you develop your entire Posterior Chain.  
  • This movement can replace the many types of rowing exercises that you'll find at your local gym that have you fixed on a machine to perform. - No Gym Membership required.
  • Primary Muscles targeted - Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, Deltoids, Biceps, Forearms, Grip
  • Great For Explosive Power, Overall Posterior Strength, Fat Loss and Cardiovascular Performance
How to Perform The Sled High Row Drag
  1. Grasp the handles which are attached to your rope (chain) with a firm overhand grip.  
  2. Walk back so the slack is completely out of the rope (chain) and position your feet in a strong stance.  For me I take my normal squat stance where my feet are little more than shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward.
  3. Start in a 3/4 to 1/2 squat position and inhale deep into your belly.
  4. As you exhale forcefully drive your heels into the ground, coming out of the squat in an explosive fashion as you pull the rope towards your face making sure you get your elbows as far behind you as you can.  You'll be engaging full use of your legs, back and arms in one strong effort.  The distance the sled will move in one pull will depend on the length of your rope and weight of the sled.
  5. Jump or step back to the starting position with the slack pulled out of the rope (chain) once again and repeat.
  6. Do this for desire Time, Reps or Distance.
Key Tips
  1. Choose a weight that will be challenging but not impossible for you to move for desired distance or reps.  If you can't move the Sled lighten it up.  If its too easy, increase the weight.
  2. Go for Sub Max failure, meaning you keep 1 or 2 reps left in the tank before stopping.  This is true for Distance as well.  If your goal is 50 feet and you complete it with more to give, complete the next round with either more weight and / or less time.
  3. Perform 2-5 Rounds of this exercise with maximum effort.
  4. Need more weight?  Simply stack another Sandbag on the tire and you're good to go.
  5. Mix this into your training 1-2 times per week -working heavy reps one day and lighter distance the next time.
Go Get Work Done!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Newsletter: FOUND: The Fountain Of Youth

Found: the fountain of youth
Turns out the sought-after magic elixir has been right under our noses! 
I'm talking about water. Pure, simple water.

Before you scoff at this idea, check if you're dehydrated. Sadly as much as 75% of adults suffer from mild, chronic dehydration, a condition that dramatically works against your weight loss efforts.

Here is why water consumption must be at the top of your list in your quest for a fit, healthy and athletic body...

Water does all that?

Though you probably don't think about it often, water is the most essential element, next to air, to your survival. The simple combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two thirds of your body and is involved in a host of bodily functions that we routinely take for granted.

Just to name a few:

  • Water works to regulate the thermal condition of your body
  • Water serves as a lubricant in your joints
  • Water helps flush toxins from your blood
  • Water gives your skin a clear, glowing complexion
  • Water assists with digestion, pulling all the usable nutrients out of foods
  • Water aides in disease prevention (Drinking 8 glasses a day has shown to reduce your chance of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%)
What about fitness and fat-loss?

You've probably heard that you need to drink plenty of water in order to drop weight, but did you ever wonder why? What does water have to do with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity level in an effort to shed pounds?

1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant
Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you will find that you won't eat as much. This also works on snacking throughout the day, keep hydrated all day long and watch as your desire to snack decreases.

2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat
This process begins with your kidneys receiving enough water to function at their peak, which in turn helps your liver reach optimal efficiency in removing toxins and waste from your blood. With your liver working at maximum capacity, fat will be metabolized at a higher rate. This means a decrease in your overall body fat. (And who doesn't want that?)

3. Water is the perfect substitute for high calorie beverages
Want to super-charge your fitness results this summer? Well, this is the most effective way to utilize water toward your waist-shrinking efforts. Most of us consume more than our share of calorie-packed beverages. Smoothies, shakes, frozen mochas, soft get the idea. When you trade your high calorie beverages in for a tall glass of water you will expedite your results in a major way.

The Other Side of the Story...

Now you know that drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you reach your fitness goals faster than ever, but you should also know that failing to drink enough water comes with serious consequences...

  • Your body will shift into "preserve" mode—which means you will store more fat.
  • Bodily functions will slow—leading to an overall decrease in energy levels.
  • Headaches will become an expected nuisance—your brain is over 70% water.
To avoid dehydration check out the following 5 Hydration Tips:

Hydration Tip #1: Caffeinated beverages—such as coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks—cause your body to lose water. After you enjoy a dose of caffeine replace the lost water by drinking 2 times that amount in water.

Hydration Tip #2: Add a slice of lemon to your water to spice things up.

Hydration Tip #3: Always carry water with you throughout your day—keep a bottle in the car, at your workplace and next to your bed.

Hydration Tip #4: Exercise and hot summer days both increase your body's water requirements—make a mental note to drink before, during and after exercise or while out on a hot day.

Hydration Tip #5: Make it a habit to begin your day with a large glass of water then drink a glass before each meal and one between meals.

Bonus Hydration Tip #6: There is one other thing you can do to achieve you fitness goals in the shortest amount of time possible – work with a certified fitness expert like me!

Want to know more? Just call or email today to set up a consultation, after all, getting you into great shape is my passion.
Balancing Act

Activities that require the coordination of your entire body, such as jogging, swimming, and the elliptical trainer, burn more calories than stabilized activities, such as a stationary bike. For maximal calorie burning, choose cardiovascular exercises that use your entire body.
Savory Broccoli Rabe
Here's a delicious way to dress up broccoli rabe. Broccoli rabe is a non-heading type of broccoli with long thin leafy stalks that's topped with small florets. It's packed with vitamins A, C and K in addition to potassium, iron and calcium. It also contains phytochemicals that fight cancer and improve your overall health. Servings: 6

Here's what you need:

  • 3 Tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
  • 2 bunches broccoli rabe, stems trimmed
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/4 cup kalamata olives, halved
  • dash of freshly ground sea salt
  • Juice from 1 small lemon
  1. Place a steamer basket over a 3 quart pot, filled with water up to the bottom of the basket. Bring the water to a boil, add the broccoli, cover and steam for 3 minutes. Immediately drop the broccoli into a bowl of ice water. After a few minutes drain the broccoli and set aside.
  2. In a large skillet warm the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until golden. Add the broccoli, olives and salt. Saute for another 5 minutes until tender. Remove from heat, place in a serving dish, sprinkle with pine nuts and toss with lemon juice.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 58 calories, 4.4g fat, 3g carbohydrate, 7.1g fiber, and over 2.5g protein. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

FREE Workout YOU Can Do Today!

So hey there Mayhem Maniacs and welcome to TBT - NOPE, Its not what you're thinking...

I'm talking about a Total Body Thrashin' workout because I have a special FREE gift for you...

And best part is, you don't have to wait for it, download it, give me anything, its totally FREE!

Keep reading and then utilize this FREE gift RIGHT NOW for a great workout that will challenge everything.  

My FREE Gift to YOU! - A full body strength and conditioning workout guaranteed to get your heart pumping, the sweat pouring and your fat melting off your body.

Don't come into this one thinking you'll just breeze through it, this is about taking your training to the maximum level you can handle.

After a good warm up set your timer for 20 Minutes and try to complete as many as rounds as you can of this routine.  You'll need some tools for this workout and at least one training partner, although its much more fun with a group doing this all together!

Here is how to set up -


Pull-Up Bar (Or surface to perform Inverted Rows)
Sandbag - Preferably 50 pounds or heavier
Heavy Tire - You can also use a Boxing Heavy Bag - 100 pounds or heavier
Sled - Optional if you don't have a training partner
Clock Timer
Cones to mark out 50 Feet
Training Partner


Mark out a distance of 50 Feet with the cones.  This is where you will perform many of the different exercises in this routine.

Make sure your tire and sandbag are easily available and that you have a clear path to work with.

Set the Timer for 20 Minutes and Complete as many rounds of this routine as you can within that time frame.

Start with Pull-Ups - Complete as many reps as you can without stopping.  For the beginner this may be a big challenge.  You can do partner assisted pull-ups or inverted rows as a replacement.  With assisted pull-ups, get a minimum of 5-10 reps.

From there you will move onto the Wheel Barrel.  This is a teammate drill in which one person will assume the pushup position and lock their heels onto their partners hips.  Make sure you squeeze your heels into your partner as tight as you can.  This will help stabilize your core.  Once in position, your partner can hold onto your shins as you walk one hand front of the other.  Complete 50 Feet and then switch places with your teammate.  If you don't have a teammate, utilize the Bear Crawl instead.

Once you both complete this drill continue to Fireman Drag.

The Fireman Drag - Approach your teammate from behind and hook your arms up under their armpits.  Lock your hands in front of their chest so you have a tight upright locked in position with your arms.  Drag your teammate by walking backwards for 50 feet.  Switch places with your partner and have them perform this drill by dragging you.  Its very important that the teammate who is being dragged keeps a tight core and doesn't allow their body to slouch.  If you're unable to drag your teammate, they may assist by walking but making sure you do most of the work.  If you don't have a teammate, a Sled can be used instead.

Once you have both completed the Fireman Drag proceed to Pushups knocking out as many reps as you can.  For the beginner, try to get at least 10 reps.

After both you and your teammate(s) finish your pushups, do Walking Lunges for 50 feet.  From there, grab your Sandbag and Sprint for at least 300 feet.  If you have hills or stairs, even better.

Pass on the sandbag to your teammate once you complete your round and have them complete theirs.

Once your team as completed one round of the sandbag sprint, its time to finish with the Tire Flip.

Take turns with your teammate(s) flipping the tire one flip at a time till you all hit 5 flips.

Repeat this entire workout until the 20 minute time limit has been reached.  See how many rounds you and your teammate(s) can complete.

Not only is this workout a ton of FUN but its very effective for building Strength and Endurance; PLUS its a great team building drill.

Want even more of a challenge?  Once you complete this for as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes, finish with one last round as quickly as you can!

Here is the workout all laid out...

Pushups - 10 Reps Minimum / Sub Max Failure
Wheel Barrel - 50 Feet / 1 Lap (Bear Crawl Optional)
Fireman Drag - 50 Feet / 1 Lap (Sled Reverse Drag Optional)
Pushups - 10 Reps Minimum / Sub Max Failure
Walking Lunge - 50 Feet
SandBag Sprint - 300 Feet (Utilize Hills or Stairs if you can)
Tire Flip - 5 Reps
Repeat from the top

Have Fun with this one gang!

Watch our Mayhem Maniacs Doing this whole workout Right Here and then go out and perform this one yourself!  You'll thank and hate me all at the same time :D

Yeaaahhhhhh Man!!!


Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

MXT Training 7MAY14

Mayhem crew is getting it done today with Explosive Speed and Conditioning Training followed by mobility and recovery.

Check out some of their training here...

Get Work Done!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Rugged Maniac 2014 - Recap and Why YOU, Yes, YOU, Should Be Doing These Races

Yeah Buddy!!!

Well gang, the Mayhem crew did it again.  We just completed our 4th Rugged Maniac race and just like every year it was EPIC!

I was going to write a blog post about this years event with a good re-cap but decided to do a video instead.

You just can't capture the excitement and passion that I have to share with you in words; this video does it MUCH better!

PLUS, after watching this video you will truly understand WHY I feel its so important that everybody, including YOU, yes YOU should participate in event races and challenges like these...

Check it out Now!

Rugged Maniac Re-Cap Video Part 1

Rugged Maniac Re-Cap Video Part 2

As mentioned in the video, here is the link for the Tough Mudder.  Our Group will be running on June 14th at the 9:40 AM time slot and are the Mayhem Maniacs.

Be sure to get your ticket BEFORE MAY 8th as the price will increase!

Hit me up with questions in the comment section below :D

Can't wait to hit the trails, the mud and the obstacles with ALL of my Mayhem Maniacs, Veterans and Newbies, all together - ROCK IT!!!

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Will You CHOOSE The Spirit of a Champion or that of a Victim?

Overcoming Obstacles and Persisting On Against All Odds

This is probably the most heart felt topic I can talk about as I have definitely had my share of ups and downs when it has come to building my dreams, both in my business, personal life and fitness goals.

What I want to share with you here should not only inspire you, but also provide you with some great tips and strategies that you can implement to make sure you stay the course and never feel like you have FAILED again in ANYTHING that you set out to do.

And let me define FAILURE right up front here before we get into this thing...

You see, I’ve been coached on this and I feel it is the absolute truth - FAILURE ONLY occurs the moment you GIVE UP and STOP trying!  

“Failure is being knocked down and refusing 
to get back up again!”

Until that moment happens, you have just experienced a set back, an obstacle or struggle in which you must overcome without it allowing to defeat to you.

In my personal life, all my struggles, no matter how uncomfortable or unfair they seemed to be at the time, have been growing experiences that have built my character and given me new insight to achieving my goals or moving myself further along with my ambitions.  

I can certainly tell you this; NOTHING has ever worked out the way I PLANNED for it to... and I honestly wouldn’t change a thing.

Does that mean I was happy when my first business went under or that I enjoyed each injury that slowed me down or set me way back in my strength training?  Absolutely not.  However, the final outcome of those experiences have been life changing for the better.

What If I had never gone through those two huge events (failures) in my life? 

Would that of changed who I am today - OR

Was going through those struggles maybe the BEST thing that DID happen to me - 

A closed door to one business that has brought me much more happiness and success in another and injuries that have enabled me to be better connected to my cliental so that I can coach and share those experiences so that maybe THEY won’t have to suffer the setbacks that I have.

You see, I FIRMLY believe in the positive outcome of EVERY situation, its just sometimes hard to see when you’re going through the thick of it all.

Maybe you’re going through something right now, something thats holding you back from your full potential, something that weighs heavily on your heart, something that you feel no-one else would understand, something where you may feel you’re all alone in, something where you don’t see a way out, something that keeps bringing you down no matter how hard you try...

I don’t know your circumstances or situations, however, I do believe that with a courageous spirit, a positive attitude and fierce determination, you can get through whatever life throws at you.

I like what Best Selling Author and motivational speaker Andy Andrews has to say about life.

He says, in life there are 3 stages and these 3 stages repeat themselves again and again and again... 

And those 3 stages are, You’re either Headed Into a Crisis, Going through a Crisis or Just coming out of a Crisis.

Fact is, everyone goes through their trials and tribulations, its just a matter of how you HANDLE THEM that I separates those who come out ahead and stronger from those who allow their circumstances to control WHO they are and WHAT they do!

And again, the only variable factor is YOU.  YOUR MINDSET will truly allow you to overcome whatever it is in front of you or defeat you.

Will you CHOOSE the mindset and spirit of a Champion or that of a Victim?

This is the MOST important question you should ask yourself whenever you feel like quitting, getting down on yourself and whining about how life isn't fair.

Life isn't fair... period!  Anyone who tries to convey the message that everything should be fair, that someone else should take care of you, that you've been cheated and are a victim of circumstances are doing nothing but WEAKENING you and your abilities!

Do NOT play into that crap.  If you truly want to know what you have inside and know what you're made of, don't ever fall into the victim trap - that's all it is, a TRAP and what it creates is bonds and chains to keep you captive.  Soon enough, you become a SLAVE to circumstances and you'll start looking for excuses to everything in your life.

When you get into this trap, its very hard to get out of and in my personal opinion, nobody is more miserable than someone who is a victim!  I hate being around them!

Now I've heard and I'll even acknowledge the argument that some people seem to get it way worse than others.

And you know what, there may be some truth to that BUT I refuse to look at it that way.  I honestly think we are meant to go through what ever life throws at us for a reason that is OUR OWN.

That same situation or obstacle given to anyone else other than the intended recipient and they would be crushed.  

When a person gets through a situation and overcomes it with integrity, strength and courage they'll often learn a life lesson that helps them grow stronger, build their character, become wiser, etc.

Take this experience away from that person and you haven't helped them at all.  In fact, you've just helped them become more weak and soft in the mind, body and spirit!

Please don't confuse this with the fact that we shouldn't help out our fellow man.  I'm definitely someone who looks out for others but I won't ever weaken someone by condoning activities that I know are destroying them and being an enabler.

Its the whole, Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day but teach a man to fish and he'll never starve analogy.

Now I'll tell ya, there are definitely those that never seem to learn (just scroll down your Facebook feed, you'll see all the "victims" out there!), and bring even more onto themselves - and to those repeat offenders I would say, WAKE UP, LIFE is trying to TEACH YOU SOMETHING!

You see, I’ve learned when you get down and out and DECIDE to stay there, more stuff piles up on you, because you won’t find the way out - HOWEVER, when you face things head on with a positive attitude, you’ll discover a different perspective and answer to the challenge you’re faced with... and sometimes, a new perspective IS the answer!

So what is it that separates those that seem to be able to take on ANYTHING and come out on top whereas others seem to continue to get crushed by life.

To me it comes down to 2 things.

#1 - What is REALLY important to you

#2 - What are you going to do to CHANGE yourself or your circumstances!

Lets look at this from a hypothetical situation.

We have Jade and Jordan (you know, the two girls from Netelos)

Ok, so both Jade and Jordan decide its time to get in shape, lose weight and look great in bikinis for Summer so they both hire a personal trainer to get the job done.

After meeting with the same trainer they both agree to a program in which they will work with the trainer 3 times per week for the next 12 weeks.  The trainer gives them an assignment that he knows will help them prepare for their first workout session.  Jade does the assignment, Jordan does not.

Jade shows up to her first appointment 15 minutes early as the assignment requested and the trainer starts preparing her for the workout with tips and instructions on what they'll be doing.  Jordan strolls in right at the time of the scheduled appointment and is not properly prepared.

Both of them struggle through their first workout, however, Jade has determination and focus and asks important questions while Jordan complains and makes comments that interrupts the session.

Once the session is complete the trainer reinforces the first homework assignment and gives them another one to complete before their next session.

At the next session, Jade has completed her assignment, feels sore but yet fresh and energized to take on the workout.  Jordan arrives to the gym late with excuses and complaining about being miserably sore.  Jade improves on her second workout while Jordan barely makes it through.

This kind of trend continues to happen during the girls 12 week program.  Jade keeps a positive outlook and clear focus on her goals, even though its tough and has times when she wants to skip a workout or cheat with her nutrition.  She keeps giving her best and her hard work starts to show within the first 3 weeks and that helps to keep her motivated to continue on.

Jordan will do well for a few workouts but continues to find excuses so she never progresses like she thinks she ought to be.  Three weeks into it, she starts blaming her trainer for lack of results.  Her trainer continues to educate, coach and try to motivate her but Jordan's frustration keeps her from listening.

Both Jade and Jordan have times during the 12 week program in which they are tired and life continues to throw obstacles in their path.  Jade communicates with her trainer anytime she needs to move her appointment or follows the advice of what she can do at home to make up a session when work gets in the way.  Jordan does not, she just misses workouts and chalks it up with more excuses of why "she can't."

12 weeks go by and Jade is in her bikini on the beach, Jordan is not.

So out of this hypothetical situation, you’ll see that Jade, the one who chose to give it her all and chose to make her new lifestyle an absolute priority set a no excuses attitude and achieved her goals while Jordan wasn’t truly ready to change herself or her circumstances.

What was the difference between the two girls?  The difference was their mindsets.  Even though  they both faced the same challenges of the workouts, changing their eating habits and working through soreness and daily obstacles including hectic work schedules, Jade CHOSE to keep pursuing her goals, even when she may not of really wanted to.  Jordan CHOSE to make excuses.

Ok, so I agree that not being able to sit on the beach in a bikini is not really a horrible consequence to not sticking with a workout plan.  

But what if I told you Jade continued on with her new lifestyle of health and fitness and was able to lead a very healthy life well into her 50s 60s 70s and on while Jordan became more and more sedentary, overweight, weak and on medications for hypertension and high cholesterol and never got to enjoy the quality of life she really wanted to.

That changes the scenario quite a bit!

Now I know, its much easier said than done.  We all have times were we wish we would of handled situations and things differently.  The important thing is to learn from those mistakes and not repeat them, especially when they have negative consequences.

Here are some Tips to Stay the Course (and what has really helped me)

#1 - MAKE IT PRIORITY - What ever is important to you, make it an OBSESSION!  I am obsessed with getting into the gym and lifting heavy weights.  Thats just me, its what I LOVE to do.

#2 - NOTHING is a matter of life and death, EXCEPT for life and death (quit treating everything like its the worse thing that has ever happened to you)

#3 - Embrace the Process and LEARN from the experiences.  You are going to have disappointments from others and yourself.  You're going to have challenges, remember, you're either IN a crisis, coming out of a crisis or headed into a crisis.  Don't develop a victim attitude and don't fall into the trap!

#4 - HELP OTHERS!  You’ll have no time for depression if you’re spending your time helping somebody else who needs it!

#5 - HAVE FUN!  - If you live life too seriously, you’ll never make it out alive - Van Wilder

In closing I’d like to share this quote - Rocky Balboa.

The world isn't all Sunshines and Rainbows.  Its a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it'll beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.  You, me, nobody is going to hit as hard as life.  But its not about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward.  That's how winning is done.  Now if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth.  But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you're not where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody... Cowards do that and that ain't you, You're Better Than That!

Go out and conquer, You ARE A Champion!

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy