Tuesday, February 14, 2012

3 Tips For Fitness Results!

Hey Now!

Mayhem Murphy here and lately, I have been getting a lot of questions about nutrition and further guidance, even some needing more motivation.

It’s probably due to the nice weather we’ve been having and everybody is realizing that Spring is right around the corner. So real quick, I just wanted to throw out these 3 quick tips to keep you moving in the right direction so that you will get the results you are wanting with your fitness program.

1. Stay Focused! Remember why you started your fitness journey in the first place. Revisit your goals and get excited about them again! We all slip from time to time and thats ok, just don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve and stay the course, no matter what. You got this!

2. Stick to the basics! You know you need daily activity, you know whats good for you and whats bad for you to eat, you know not to skip meals, you know to get a good nights sleep, so stick with these principles and don’t over complicate things.

3. HAVE FUN! Positivity is the number one rule here! Each and every day wake up ready to HAVE FUN in life, no matter what is on your schedule for the day. Start each day telling yourself, “Today is my day! I am achieving my fitness goals and I love the results I am getting with my hard work and dedication. Today is a great day and I’m ready to have some FUN!” When you do this, you start your day off RIGHT! And if you have a bad start, remember this, you can re-start your day at any time!

There you have it. My 3 tips to keep you moving in the right direction and get the results you want!

Until next time remember….


Sean “Mayhem” Murphy