Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why Do We Fall - The BEST Motivational Video EVER!

Hey Gang,

I didn't create this but I'm damn sure sharing it...

This is simply the BEST Motivational Video I have ever seen.

Click Play, Watch This Entire Video, Then Tell Me You're Not Ready To Take On The World!

Getting Better Together,

Coach Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Do You Train or Do You Work Out?

Hey Gang,

Mayhem here and I have to tell you that I have had this topic on my mind for a very, VERY Long time.  And that is the question in which I beg to ask you, "Do You Train or Do You Workout?"

You see, to me there is a vast difference between the two and I have my list of comparisons to follow this short rant.

But before you jump down to read those let me explain what I have witnessed for quite some time now.

Its very obvious to me that there is a difference in the mentality of those who workout vs those who train.  To me, those who simply workout, use it as an escape, stress relief, do it because somebody (like their Doctor) told them they needed to or because they want to feel better, look better and perhaps perform better in some way.

They often start with the right intentions, get in better shape, lose weight, etc but fall into the trap of just "Working Out," because their mindset was never Focused.

When someone decides to Train, its different.  Their Focus and Determination to achieve their goals is on point.  They write out their goals, establish their plan and execute it with precision.   When mistakes are made, they correct it and keep moving forward.

It frustrates me when I see men and women with good intentions and desires for a healthier life continue to struggle because they simply don't put "Training" as a priority in their lives.

Training is a Lifestyle, Working Out is a Cop Out.

Take a look at this list and then decide... Do You Categorize Yourself In the Working Out List or the Training List.  You may have some sides of both.

I encourage you though; if you find yourself struggling with your results and are not achieving what you want to in your fitness progress, maybe you're spending too much time "Working Out," when you should be "TRAINING!"

Till Next Time, Train Hard and Keep Rocking It Champion!

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

The List

Friday, February 22, 2013

THE Difference Makers

Subtle Differences Make The Difference

When it comes to your workouts, what are you focused on?  Are you there to train or to socialize?  Are you watching the clock or are you perfecting your form?  Are you going through the motions or are you engaging the movement? Are you thinking about the weekend or are you focused on the muscles being worked?  When you’re tired, do you quit or do you push yourself for more?

Do you have a “FAILING” attitude, or a “WINNING,” attitude?

Do you “DESERVE” or do you “SACRIFICE”?

Do you Eat for PLEASURE or Eat for PERFORMANCE?

Do you make EXCUSES or make DECISIONS?

Do you REST or do you SLEEP?

Do you GET BY or do you STRIVE?

Do you IGNORE or do you LEARN?

Do you CHEAT or do you COMMIT?

The subtle Differences Make THE DIFFERENCE between seeing results or wasting your time.

They're your ACTIONS...


Sean "Mayhem" Murphy