Keg Clean & Press
- With Keg Laying flat on its side on the ground approach with your toes touching the Keg.
- Grasp the Keg with a tight grip and elevate your hips so that your back is flat, very similar to a dead-lift position.
- Engage your hamstrings, Glutes and Upper back to lift the keg up past the knees.
- Once at the Hips (or mid thighs) Push your hips forward contracting the Glutes while simultaneously flipping the keg so now your hands come up underneath of the Keg.
- At this top position, the Keg will come to rest on your Chest.
- Use a strict or push press to drive the Keg over-top of your head into a full lock out position.
- Lower back down and repeat.
- Add a Push-Up to add intensity to this movement.
Keg Carry
- Pick the Keg Up with various styles of grips (Holding on either side, bear hug, overhead, etc) and carry for distance or time.
- You can do teammate carries as well.
Keg Overhead Squat
- Perform the Clean & Press to get the Keg Overhead
- Engage your Rear Delts (back of shoulders) to maintain strict alignment of Keg over the crown of your head drop into a squat.
- Perform desired reps and repeat for sets.
Keg Toss