Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Newsletter - Why You're Not Fit

Put Your Heart Into It
Hey Gang!
As you may be aware of, February is heart healthy month and being that this is coming to you the day after Valentines Day I thought this following topic would be very appropriate.
You see, fitness is much more than just putting in hard work to look good in your skinny jeans or bathing suit.  Sure, we want to look good, feel confident and sexy and lead an energized, active lifestyle, but what is it really all about?
When talking to new members I learn a lot about them.  And one main thing I learn is what the REAL motivating factors for wanting to lose weight and get in shape are.
Maybe they're working with me because their doctor told them they needed to lose weight because their health is at risk. 
Maybe they had a loved one they lost too early in life and it was an eye opener to what could happen to them. 
Maybe its important to be a positive role model to their kids. 
Maybe they are single and need more confidence for the dating scene.
What ever their TRUE motivating factor is, its enough to drive them to push harder, do more and keep going even through the toughest of all obstacles.  (Remember - Vision, Hope, Faith).
My clients will often hear me shout during Boot Camp, "Put Your Heart Into It!"
I will say this typically when they are needing that extra push because they have reached fatigue, the muscles are burning and they're heavily winded from the cardio.  I know that in their head they may be telling themselves, its too much or I've had enough and its time to quit.
But, with that simple but very effective phrase, "Put Your Heart Into It," they are reminded of WHY they are here in the first place. 
And that personal reason is the driving force to find their second wind, the extra 2% that makes the difference between quitting or striving on and accomplishing what I know they can achieve; what THEY know they CAN and WILL achieve!!!
And that extra 2% produces RESULTS!!!
This month, we are reminded a lot of love.  Yesterday was Valentines Day so I am going to ask this very personal question...
Where is your love to YOURSELF!!!
Are you currently happy with your fitness level?  Is your heart healthy?
Don't wait until its too late, TODAY is your day! 
"Put Your Heart Into It!" and LIVE and LOVE a very active, healthy and long life!!!
My heartfelt message to you!
PS: Want to learn more about Heart Healthy Month? Click here
5 Obstacles to Fitness Success
You want to be fit. You know how much you should weigh. You know your ideal pant size. You can even picture how great those skinny jeans will look.

So why aren't you living life in your ideal body?

There are many complex reasons that make weight loss a challenge, reasons that go deeper than simply calories-in versus calories-out.

I'm talking about the life issues that get in the way of your success.

Read the following 5 obstacles and the solutions to unlock your best body ever.

1. You don't want to be bothered. 

It's in your DNA to avoid pain and seek out pleasure. Unfortunately this works against you when trying to get fit. In your mind, it's painful (or at least uncomfortable) to deny yourself the tasty food that you crave and to exert yourself with exercise.

There's a simple way to work around this obstacle: Find something painful about being fat to motivate yourself towards healthy eating and exercise. Focus on the negative impact your current weight has on your health, self-esteem and lifestyle. Convince yourself that the pain of being out of shape is much greater than the discomfort of losing weight.

2. You don't want to wait for the good stuff. 

Just as you wish to avoid pain, you are also an expert in seeking out pleasure - namely food. This served the cavemen well, but these days it ends up as extra pounds around your waist and thighs.

There's good news: extra calories are not your only option to stimulate the pleasure center of your brain. Find an activity or two that make you smile and indulge in those regularly.
  • A walk outside
  • A good book
  • A night out to the movies or theater
  • A spa day
You can also retrain your brain to crave the pleasure of exercise-induced endorphins. Talk about weight gain kryptonite!

3. You are crazy busy. 

Let's face it, you work too much, commit yourself to too much and don't even get enough sleep most of the time. The fast-paced way you live leaves you exhausted, stressed and hungry for comfort food. You even begin to feel too busy to take care of your health.

It's time to reprioritize. Let go of your perfectionist standards and remove a few commitments from your schedule so that you are able to cook healthy meals, exercise and get a good night's sleep. Remind yourself that taking care of your health is not a luxury - it's a necessity.

4. You don't deserve it. 

I don't agree with it, but you sure act like you don't deserve to live the good life in the body of your dreams. Take a moment to think back on all the times you have self-sabotaged your weight loss efforts. If you don't believe deep down that you are worthy then you'll never give yourself a chance at a fit body.

I believe that you deserve to have a healthy body - and I urge you to dig deep down to uncover why you don't. Once you conquer your feelings of unworthiness, getting on an exercise and healthy eating plan will be easy.

Take the time to take care of yourself. You DO deserve it.

5. You are afraid. 

You're afraid to start because you just might fail, and wouldn't that be embarrassing? You're also afraid to start because you just might succeed, and change makes you uncomfortable – even if it's change in the right direction.

When you decide to get fit you will need to go through a bushel of changes:
  • New diet
  • New exercise routine
  • New friends at the gym
  • New clothes
  • New self-image
Focus on all of the ways that losing weight will make your life better. Envision that better life everyday so that it goes from being new and scary to familiar and comfortable.

I want to personally help overcome every obstacle standing between you and your ideal body. Call or email today to get started on a program that will change your life and body forever...in a good way :)
Your friend, Regret
Have you ever felt regret the day after you passed on dessert? Of course not! You gave yourself a high-five for dodging the calorie bullet.

When temptation presents itself in the form of fattening foods or sugary desserts, decide how you want to feel the next day. Would you rather be guilt-ridden and bloated OR guilt-free and svelte?

The choice is yours.
Healthy Chocolate Shake
What is better than a creamy chocolate shake? A creamy chocolate shake without the guilt! You won't miss the fat and refined sugar as you slurp up this tasty treat.
Servings: 2

Here's what you need:
  • 2 bananas, frozen
  • 1/2 cup nonfat milk
  • 2 scoops chocolate whey protein
  • 2 Tablespoons raw almond butter
  • dash of ground cinnamon
  • 2 cups ice
  1. Throw everything into a high speed blender, blend until smooth and creamy.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 292 calories, 7g fat, 33g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 25g protein. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Keep Moving Forward - Part 2

Hey gang,

I am finishing my discussion from two weeks ago about how to Keep Moving Forward. (If you missed the first part, click here)

You see, we all have our times when we seem to fall off track and our struggles and obstacles almost seem like mountains that we need to move in order to press on.

When we are faced with these GIANT obstacles, it can seem impossible and hopeless to even try to continue on a task we once thought we could accomplish.

Before you know it, your enthusiasm diminishes, your strengths weaken and your vigorous and ambitious attitude now becomes negative and unmotivated.

Here are 3 Key Tips to apply NOW, so that the next time you run into an obstacle you’ll know how to over come it and Keep Moving Forward!

1. Vision – You have to have vision in this race. Vision equals the finish line. You have to have vision to know where you are at and where you want to be. Keep your vision on the prize and stay focused on crossing that finish line.

2. Hope – Hope equals the race. Its great to have vision but if you don’t have Hope you can’t fulfill a vision. Having Hope keeps you in the Race.

3. Faith – Faith is the Fuel!!! You got to have Fuel to stay you in the race. Faith is the fuel for things Hoped for. Believe in yourself that you can and that you WILL accomplish all your goals. I can’t give you this; in fact, no human can. It is something you must seek out, find and BELIEVE in.

If you’re working with me, you have the tools to succeed with your health and fitness goals. You have my motivation and training expertise at MXT. You Have a solid Nutrition Plan and you have Advocare Products to help you propel to the next level.

All of these tools however will fail you if you do not have the things to keep you moving forward through your obstacles. You must apply these 3 Key Tips and remember, Champions Drive On utilizing...

Vision – Hope – and Faith!!!

Here’s to your success – You ARE A Champion!!!

I will be very happy to elaborate further on these 3 Key Tips with you one on one and how they fit into my Personal, Fitness and Business Goals each and every day. Just call, text or email me to set up a time to sit down; especially if you find yourself struggling right now in any area of your life.

Sean "Mayhem" Murphy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Newsletter - You Are What You Do

Keep Moving Forward - part 2
Hey gang,
I am continuing my discussion from two weeks ago about how to Keep Moving Forward.  (If you missed it, you can read it here.)
You see, we all have our times when we seem to fall off track and our struggles and obstacles almost seem like mountains that we need to move in order to press on.
When we are faced with these GIANT obstacles, it can seem impossible and hopeless to even try to continue on a task we once thought we could accomplish.
Before you know it, your enthusiasm diminishes, your strengths weaken and your vigorous and ambitious attitude now becomes negative and unmotivated.
Here are 3 Key Tips to apply NOW, so that the next time you run into an obstacle you'll know how to over come it and Keep Moving Forward!
1. Vision - You have to have vision in this race.  Vision equals the finish line.  You have to have vision to know where you are at and where you want to be.  Keep your vision on the prize and stay focused on crossing that finish line.
2. Hope - Hope equals the race.  Its great to have vision but if you don't have Hope you can't fulfill a vision.  Having Hope keeps you in the Race. 
3. Faith - Faith is the Fuel!!!  You got to have Fuel to stay you in the race.  Faith is the fuel for things Hoped for.  Believe in yourself that you can and that you WILL accomplish all your goals.  I can't give you this; in fact, no human can.  It is something you must seek out, find and BELIEVE in.
If you're working with me, you have the tools to succeed with your health and fitness goals.  You have my motivation and training expertise at MXT.  You Have a solid Nutrition Plan and you have Advocare Products to help you propel to the next level.
All of these tools however will fail you if you do not have the things to keep you moving forward through your obstacles.  You must apply these 3 Key Tips and remember, Champions Drive On utilizing
Vision - Hope - and Faith!!!
Here's to your success - You ARE A Champion!!!
I will be very happy to elaborate further on these 3 Key Tips with you one on one and how they fit into my Personal, Fitness and Business Goals each and every day.  Just call, text or email me to set up a time to sit down; especially if you find yourself struggling right now in any area of your life.  Sean
The Habits That Make You
What are your habits?

Do you eat the same thing for lunch, go through the same exercise routine, and fall into bed at the same time each night?

Or maybe you've made a habit out of eating whatever looks good, avoiding the gym, and staying up as late as possible.

John Dryden famously said, "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us."

Confucius said, "Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them."

And Aristotle noticed that, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

It's pretty clear that the habits you adopt will shape who you are.

When it comes to your body, the two habits that define your physique are your eating and exercise habits. In fact, everyone that you know who is in great shape has dialed in these two important habits.

If you aren't happy with your body, then simply adjust your eating and exercise habits. Here's how to adopt a habit:

Making a Habit
Use these seven steps to create a life-improving habit.

1) Decide on the ONE habit that you would like to develop. It's tempting to pick up 3 or 4 healthy habits, but choosing just one new habit is realistic and doable.

Here are some healthy habit ideas:
  • Do not eat after 7pm each night.
  • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating fast food.
  • Exercise 4 times a week after work for 45 minutes each time.
  • Only eat fruits and veggies as your afternoon snack.
  • Get up early and exercise for an hour each morning.
  • Work with a personal trainer 3 times a week.
2) Write your new habit down on paper. Also include your 3 main motivators for developing this new habit, the obstacles you'll face, and your strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Here's an example:
  • My new habit is to work with a personal trainer 3 times each week.
  • My 3 main motivators are 1) to feel confident in my bathing suit this summer, 2) to have more energy, and 3) to fit into my skinny jeans.
  • The obstacles I will face are 1) not having the energy to go to my session after work, 2) not having enough money to pay for sessions, and 3) not having my spouse's support.
  • I will overcome these obstacles by 1) doing my workouts before work instead of after work, so I have more energy, 2) cutting down on frivolous spending to ensure that I can afford it, and 3) asking my spouse to join me so we can get in shape together.
3) Commit fully to your new habit, in a public way. This could mean posting it on facebook, or simply announcing it at the dinner table. Put yourself in a position where you'll be embarrassed to give up on your new habit.

4) Keep track of your progress. You could keep a detailed journal or simply make a check mark on each calendar day that you successfully exercise your new habit.

5) Keep yourself publically accountable. This means either status updates on facebook or verbal status updates at the dinner table. Your friends and family are in a position to offer you support, so don't shy away from those close to you.

6) When you fail, figure out what went wrong so that you can plan around it in the future.

7) Reward yourself for your success.

Once your new habit becomes second nature, usually in about 30 days, feel free to add a second habit by going through the same 7 steps.

I'd love for my fitness program to become your new healthy habit! Call or email now to reserve your spot.
Laser Focus
Focusing on one goal at a time is the most powerful way to achieve it. Taking on more than one goal at a time spreads your time and energy out, making it impossible to accomplish anything. If you have more than one goal on your mind, write them all down and then go after them one and a time until they are all completed.
Easy Teriyaki Salmon
Salmon is filled with healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids, protein, and vitamin B12. This recipe is quick and tastes amazing. Serve it with a side of brown rice and steamed veggies.
Servings: 4

Here's what you need:
  • 1 Tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon ground mustard
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 4 (6oz) salmon steaks
  1. In a large re-sealable plastic bag combine the first six ingredients; mix well.
  2. Set aside 1/2 cup of marinade and refrigerate.
  3. Add salmon to remaining marinade, cover and refrigerate for 1-1/2 hours, turning once. Drain and discard marinade.
  4. Place the salmon on a broiler pan. Broil 3-4 in. from the heat for 5 minutes. Brush with reserved marinade; turn and broil for 5 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Brush with remaining marinade.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 392 calories, 19g fat, 2.6g carbohydrate, .2g fiber, and 38g protein.