Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Banded KB Swing

Ready to take your KB Swing up to the next level?  Adding resistance bands to this dynamic movement will surely step up your game.

Warning:  Do not progress to this movement until you have mastered the KB Swing!

Here is a quick re-cap of the KB or optional DB Swing.

As you know, the KB Swing is a fantastic movement to develop Power through the Hips and Glutes and is great conditioning exercise that can replace high impact exercises such as jumping and running.

It also teaches you the proper Hip Hinge movement that is so vital to exercises such as Romanian Dead-Lifts and various Bent Over exercises.

By adding a resistance band to the KB swing you challenge yourself more with both phases of the movement, concentric and eccentric because you must engage your muscles, particularly Glutes and Core, harder to control the weight.  Any sloppiness can result in a strained lower back so again, do not attempt this movement until you have mastered the Swing alone!

Here's How To Perform the Banded KB Swing

  1. Start by wrapping a band around the KB handle and then step onto the band with your feet at your typical stance.
  2. The KB should be on the ground about 1 to 2 feet away from you.
  3. Hinge at the hips with slightly bent knees and grasp the KB.  Your posture should look as if you are about to Hike a Football with your body tight and back flat.
  4. Throw the KB back towards your groin as if you are snapping a football and then drive the weight up by engaging your Glutes and Hips forward in a thrusting manner sending the KB up towards the ceiling straight out in front of you.  Do not try to lift the weight with your shoulders or upper body.  The entire movement should be generated through the power of your lower body.  At the top position you should have your Glutes and Hamstrings tightly contracted and standing tall with the KB either directly in front of you or at eye level.
  5. The band will provide more resistance at this point and send the weight back down.  Control the weight by keeping your core engaged and everything tight sending the KB back between your legs near your groin.
  6. Repeat for desired reps or time.
Mistakes to Avoid
  1. Make sure you don't allow your Back to Round at the Bottom.
  2. Do not allow yourself to Hyperextend the Lower Back (bend far backwards) at the top position.
  3. Do not use weight that you cannot control and is too aggressive for your fitness level.
  4. Do not round the shoulders or allow the arms to become slack.  Your upper body should remain tight throughout the movement.
  5. Do not use worn out bands that could snap and cause serious injury!
Have Fun with this KB Swing variation and Get Work Done!

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